The Belknap Range Conservation Coaltion and the Lakes Region Conservation Trust supported the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests' Leave No Trace Hotspot Program at Mount Major June 17-24, 2019

Mount Major as a Hotspot

With more than 80,000 people hiking Mt. Major every year, the popular hiking spot has seen its share of excessive trash, damage to vegetation, trail erosion, disturbance to wildlife, and more. As a result, Mt. Major was chosen as one of 19 Hot Spots nationwide to be the focus of training from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. As a designated Hot Spot, Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers taught Forest Society staff, partners and volunteers in how to communicate the principals of Leave No Trace to the public. The trainings and several other outreach and public service events took place during the “Hotspot Activation Week” from June 17-24, 2019. The goal of this week was to help educate hikers about how to reduce impacts to the environment while enjoying the amazing natural beauty of Mount Major.   For more information about the results of these activities, click here.